
Ocean Conservation Infographics
ASOC Infographic Commissions. These two infographics were created to summarise two different scientific papers. I have a background in ocean conservation, and am drawn to these projects because I grew up around the often, inaccessible, scientific-jargon these papers are written in. I've always been passionate about "translating it".
The goal of infographics like these, is to try and draw in, intrigue, and explain using imagery and the simplest terms possible: what the paper is about. These infographics aim to cover a discrepancy between scientific jargon used amongst the scientific community, and the comprehension levels of the general public. Creating something that can cross language barriers, education levels and fields, and age: so that a child can pick up the paper and at minimum have a basic understanding of what the paper is about.
This expands the scope of reach that this hard work is trying to communicate in the first place. Breaking-new research should be accessible and understood by all, so that we as a collective can be confidently constantly updating our opinions and knowledge on breaking new science.
These particular infographics were presented at a plastics and shipping forum respectively, by the Clean Shipping Coalition, the Environmental Investigation Agency, by the Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition, the Gallifrey Foundation, and the Clean Shipping Coalition.